Community Centre Walk,Pencaitland

Sunday 28th June 2015

WIZO was well supported with over 100 ladies attending the fashion show and afternoon tea at the EHC Community Centre. With 10 models, the fashions, boots and shoes were from three of our local boutique shops, C’est Si Bon, Chi, and Ooh! Ruby Shoes.  The shops arranged goodie bags for the ladies and vouchers for our lucky draw.

There was a most friendly and noisy atmosphere, many of the ladies meeting up with friends and chums, causing difficulty with seating plans which were eventually solved with good humour. The sum of £1400 was raised, a most rewarding result. The funds were shared between WIZO and local charity, Children 1st.  Many thanks to our generous patrons and enthusiastic supporters.

Our thanks must also go to John Donne who tirelessly and willingly undertakes all our printing needs with great style and thoughtfulness, and to Maryla Green for providing the flowers.